The publishing activity of the NSLE covers the field of leadership in education. Thus monographs, the journal Leadership in Education as well as seminar materials and e-proceedings are published. The materials distributed to participants in the NSLE programmes represent an important part of our publishing activity.

The journal Leadership in Education (Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju, ISSN 1581-8225) is aimed at leaders and other professionals in educational organizations whose work includes leadership on different levels. The journal is published in Slovene with abstracts in English. The fundamental purpose of the journal is to inform the target groups about theoretical implications of leadership in education, and to provide a forum for disseminating practical, directly applicable leadership issues and practical professional contributions.

The journal covers three sections:

  • Perspectives on Leadership – includes different theoretical and research aspects of leadership in educational organizations (original research papers, research overview papers, and professional experience accounts).
  • Practitioner Exchange – includes thematically arranged articles on newly introduced  legislation acts, on changes in organization and finance in public education,  on projects and best practice.
  • Miscellanea – brings book reviews in the field of educational management, school leaders’ stories, foreign school leaders’ roles and responsibilities, and reports from congresses and confrences.

The journal Leadership in Education is listed in the Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities and Index Copernicus.

Responsible Editor: Vladimir Korošec, National School for Leadership in Education, Slovenia
Editor in Chief: Polona Peček, National School for Leadership in Education, Slovenia